Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Preemptive Nostalgia

Tonight as I was looking through some pictures, I had the strangest sensation. I was listening to some new American music (music that I had heard back home, but would probably never catch on over here, making it distinctly American), and it made me feel like I was back in the States. That may not sound strange, but I was looking at picture of my school and my students and the teachers here. And yes the music was a little sad, which probably had something to do with it, but I started to miss all of this, here in Indonesia.

It was a feeling I've had before with other adventures, I cannot tell you how many times I've looked back at Africa study abroad photos and ended up completely filled with nostalgia. But this was different, because I was able to stop myself and realize that I don't have to miss this place yet. I'm still here, and can enjoy all of the wonderful people and things around me.

I certainly have been feeling down about things here lately, and when you feel that way you want time to fly by. But I know in the future I'll look back on this whole experience fondly. Tonight I was able to zoom into the future, and look back on this fondly while I'm still here to enjoy it. It was a nice reminder, to just be here and enjoy things. Because there are things I enjoy here. I just have to get past the things I don't enjoy, because really, I'm 10,000 miles away from home, on an amazing, once in a life time adventure. I know I'll think of it that way a year from now, so I might as well think of it that way now, and enjoy myself.

1 comment:

  1. Annalisa - I have been reading your blog since you left and I don't think I have commented at all. I just wanted to tell you that I really enjoy it. It sounds like you have a great attitude for living in the moment, but of course that is always hard when you are missing home. I'm sure these next few months will fly by and I look forward to seeing you this summer!
    - Kirsten
